This is just a suggestion for internet marketers who sells ebook and MRR as a package. Just a sharing so that you will get an extra one sale.
What i wanted to say is that, if you have a lot of product with MRR and giveaway right, be flexible in offering the product. I tried to buy MRR ebook with a few local internet marketer. The ebook is to be given away in a few contest that I organized in my local blog. Telling the truth it is quite hard to get the ebook that I want because some of the IM are quite rigid.
As an example, I am looking for only a few ebook with MRR / giveway right. But I am offered up to 100 ebooks IF i buy certain product/ebooks from them. Some of the product priced up to RM250 for the package. Did they know that I am willing to spend RM30 or just 5 product or maybe for one product if the product is relevant enough.
I ended up buying MRR with giveaway rights ebooks from international internet marketer with way cheaper price of course with a lot of hardwork asking around. Thanks for their support though.
Very good and great site with very good look and perfect information…i like it