Next week is Deepavali . As usual, in any main celebration event, petronas will create a video. Some people like me will be waiting for petronas video. Those video usually very inspiring. Full of positive message. This time the Petronas Depavali 2011 video is personally more inspiring since the tittle is related to this blog title and new tagline.
Enjoy the video below:
The Petronas Deepavali video i shared here is in Tamil Language. There are also video in Malay and English Lanuage which you can take a look here. You can also view past videos there which .. i want to repeat again.. VERY Inspiring.
Let us ask one question to ourself. What is our source of happiness?
Bloggers let me ask you one question, do you need a perfect blog to be a happy blogger? What do you define by perfect?
Note: The video is shared from Petronas Official Youtube Page
Enjoy the video below:
Petronas Deepavali - The pursuit of Happiness Video
The Petronas Deepavali video i shared here is in Tamil Language. There are also video in Malay and English Lanuage which you can take a look here. You can also view past videos there which .. i want to repeat again.. VERY Inspiring.
Let us ask one question to ourself. What is our source of happiness?
Bloggers let me ask you one question, do you need a perfect blog to be a happy blogger? What do you define by perfect?
Note: The video is shared from Petronas Official Youtube Page
Iklan Petronas sentiasa terbaik dengan mesej yg melambangkan M'sia negara yg berbilang kaum dan harmoni.