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Heading Tag : H1 or H2 for post title ?

Change ( H1, H2 , H3 ... ) tag for blogger blog .. why?

The heading arrangement of your blog post are important not just because its look more structured but the search engine determine the keyword too.It may sound confusing at first since its related to SEO. Actually it is easy. Imagine you are writing a report for your assignment. The report of course have heading tag arrangment according to the chapters, section and subsection. It is easier to read. The same goes to the blog although writing a blog post is not as strict as writing reports.

For search engine, h1 is the priorirty follows by h2, h3 and so on. H1 is what the page is all about. The main topic, and the reason why the page is there.

H1 or H2 for post title?

There are question about whether should you use H1 or H2 for the post title? From what i understand by reading around is its depend on whether the blog is a niche blog or personal blog.

A niche blog can have the structure like this:

Heading Structure for niche blog

h1: Blog Title
h2 : Blog Post Title
h3: ...

The reason is that in the blog title for the niche blog itself is the keyword. The post tittle maybe contained the supportive keyword and other related keywords. When crawler visit a blog post it will first visit the blog title (main keyword) , follows by post title and so on.

You can see structure in my first attempt of changing header previous blog post on h2.

Heading Structure for personal blog / mixed-bag

h1 : Blog Post Title
h2: The sub heading in the content
h3: ..
h4: ..

this blog is using h1 for post title and h2 for subheading in content.

this is the example on how its look like for

This is how its look like for a blog post.

The h2 tags is not detected by SEO workers, but it is available in the source. Maybe u should use other tag analyzer tool?

In personal blog or mixed-bag style blog putting h1 for post title looks more logical, since you want the search engine to focus on the post title not the blog tittle. The problem with the second option is that in main page you may have a lot of h1 which can be a problem if it is overdid (over-optimize).

One way to reduce the h1 tags in main page is to reduce the amount of post shown on main page. Another way is to tweak the code so that in main page it will follow the First structure and for for the Post page it will follow the second one.

To change heading tag in blogger is easy you can visit my post on how to tweak the html code

Update : Malaysian you can join the discussion about hashtag at Denaihati's and Lomotech


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