Denaihati Free Pre Paid Topup
My brother is running a part time bussiness at his university - UPSI. One of the overhead cost running a bussiness at university is the prepaid cost. I said to him that he can save more money by getting free topup. I Introduced him to denaihati blog.
how to get free topup at denaihati blog
1. You need to have a facebook account and register to reward program at denaihati. FInd the red ribbon with the word "rewards" and click there to register.
2. In order to get free prepaid, you need to collect 5000 points.
5000 points is very easy to collect.
For now, these are the point you can get:
100 points per day for visiting
100 points per day for retweeting a blog post
100 points per day for sharing the post at google +1
100 points per day for leaving 1 comment at the blog
It takes not more than 5 minutes per day!
* registering to twitter and google plus is free of charge
3. Repeat daily
4. When you get 5000 points you can redeem. The instruction is given @ Denaihati Rewards Loyalty Program
Now, do simple math please
My question is:
How many days can you redeem the RM30 Prepaid? if you get
a. 400 points per day
b. 300 points per day
c. 200 points per day
d. 100 points per day
More to redeem
If you do not need to use the RM30 topup you can collect more points to redeem RM50 prepaid or better yet to collect point to redeem RM100 cash.
This post is for social cause. Hopefully it is very helpful for you. Feel free to share it to you brother and sister.You can also retweet this post. Bookmark this post by pressing Ctrl+D.
semua dah buat reward ni kan? ingat nak buat jugalah dekat blog -..-
ReplyDeletebuat hadiah kasi best :D