I read a lot of book about financial planning especially on how to be free of debt. There are a lot of system available which can be very helpful. However when i look further, there are actually three main steps that help me in paying my debt.
1. Don't live in denial
Just accept the fact that you are in debt. Many people live in denial. They tend to ignore the fact that there are in debt.2. The way to be free is to pay the debt
Do not complicate the matters, pay the debt and you are free of debt. You can go to more complicated financial planning to make loans in order to make more money to pay the debt. Whatever strategy you are using is up to you and make sure you know what you are doing as long as you pay suitable amount to decrease your debt amount.3. Pay Yourself
No matter, do not spend every penny to settle the debt. You need to pay yourself and your family too. You need to save some money or better yet, invest it. Although first since its seems to be contradicted with point number 2. You need to pay yourself some money to give a feel that you have some money and to make you happy. Spending money just to pay the debt are surely not very demotivating. Sometimes you need to pay others in form of charity and gift too.
By having this three technique, you can keep yourself calm and avoid from being paralyzed because of the fear of the debt. The other techniques , complicated and easy technique are coming from these three steps. You track in order to be aware, you make schedule for the payment in order to pay the debt, and you plan you investment in order to pay yourself.
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