Blitz is so fun!
When I was an active player, Chess Night Fever is normal. We "club level chess player" regularly organized our own blitz mini tournament. The time control is 5 minutes per player (10 minutes per game) . The fun usually continues until 3 am or 4 am. We not just playing but also analyzing games.
Crazy, right?
So what happened when a chess player started to blog?
Last night , I have a meetup with mindacatur's owner. He just started his blog. We met at a 24-hour McD restaurant at 11.40 pm after watching the heart beating thomas cup.
I asked a question,
"Sam, did you bring your chess set ? "
I am quite shocked to hear the answer.
"No! Tonight is for blogging "
And you know what? We stay up until 4am. He is so passionate with his chess blog!
Me? Updated my blog post and able to finish some work. ^_^
Err.. do you play chess?
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