Satu lagi berita baik.. Tadi Revtwt , sekarang Twivert pun dah takde auto post.. cuba baca emel ni kalau tak caya : Baru pagi tadi check dengan Twivert, masih ada lagi option utk auto tweet , kena bagi password kat diorang.. tengok2 petang ni dah dapat email ni..
Important: Due to recent changes to Twitter's TOS, we are no longer allowed to auto tweet, we have a few work arounds for this:
If you wish to stop receiving mails from twivert, navigate to the Settings section and select disable under Email Settings.
Thank you
-Twivert team
Hrm.. lebih kurang maca revtwt juga model peniklanan dalam twivert ni .. :) , langkah terbaru yang twitter buat memang best.. no more spam account semata-mata menghantar tweets ads..
Important: Due to recent changes to Twitter's TOS, we are no longer allowed to auto tweet, we have a few work arounds for this:
- Tweets posted via feed:
All your active tweets are available via RSS feed, you can use a third party tool to post the ad tweets directly on to twitter.
To get your feed URL log into Twivert - Tweet reaches you via Email:
The tweet that is supposed to be posted onto your time-line reaches you via email, you have to copy the ad tweet along with the URL and post it onto twitter, you are not supposed to modify the text or the URL of the ad tweet. The tweet would be valid for 12 hours from the time we send you the mail.
Twitterers who have enabled auto-tweeting would start receiving the mails containing the ad tweets by default.
You can choose not to receive these emails by logging into Twivert
- You are allowed to post the ad tweets only onto the twitter account registered with us. Clicks from ad tweets posted onto other accounts will not be counted and may lead to your account being banned.
- We are very strict about spamming. Spamming ad tweets violates both twivert and twitters TOS. Spamming may get you banned on both the sites.
If you wish to stop receiving mails from twivert, navigate to the Settings section and select disable under Email Settings.
Thank you
-Twivert team
Hrm.. lebih kurang maca revtwt juga model peniklanan dalam twivert ni .. :) , langkah terbaru yang twitter buat memang best.. no more spam account semata-mata menghantar tweets ads..
So , kita punya iklan lepas ni akan lebih beretikalah nampaknya.
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